【TOMO雙語爆】聯合國裁定阿桑奇被「強制拘留」 | 即時新聞 | 20160206 | 蘋果日報
原文影片請看此聯合國單位5日裁定「維基解密」創辦人朱利安•阿桑奇(Julian Assange)是被「強制拘留」(arbitrarily detained)於厄瓜多駐英大使館內。「強制拘留」一般是指:在缺乏適當法律程序下,剝奪某人的自由。被控性侵罪的阿桑奇此前曾宣布,若聯合國任意拘留問題工作小組(UNWGAD)裁定他敗訴,他將任英國當局逮捕。英國媒體2月4日報導指出,聯合國將做出對阿桑奇有利的判決。阿桑奇44歲,是澳洲籍,他從2012年起,即被迫居留於厄瓜多駐英大使館內,以避免因性侵罪嫌被引渡至瑞典受審。阿桑奇尋求庇護住進使館後,英國警方自2012年6月至2015年10月,派員24小時駐守於大使館外。阿桑奇若步出大使館外,便會立即被捕,因此他於2014年向聯合國相關單位投訴受到強制拘留。倫敦警方一向設有行動部門,並從附近大樓監視大使館。本週,駭客阿桑奇表示,若法庭判他勝訴,他應能取回護照,而不會再被逮捕。然而英國警方仍表示,無論聯合國裁定如何,他們都將逮捕阿桑奇。事實上,聯合國工作小組的裁定,對於英國或瑞典法律,並無強制約束力。英文原文:A United Nations panel reportedly determined today that Julian Assange is being arbitrarily detained at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.In general, arbitrary detention is when someone is deprived of their liberty through no proper process of law.The WikiLeaks founder and alleged sex offender said he would turn himself over to British authorities this week IF the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ruled against him.Reports from British media today suggest that the panel will rule in his favor.The 44-year-old Australian has been holed up inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012 to escape extradition to Sweden over sexual assault allegations.British police officers maintained a 24-hour presence outside the embassy from when Assange sought refuge there in June of 2012 until October.In 2014 Assange complained to the U.N. about being arbitrarily detained as he can't exit the embassy without being arrested.In the past, London police have conducted surveillance on the embassy from a mobile command unit and also from nearby buildings.Earlier this week the hacker said that if the court ruled in his favor, he expects the authorities to return his passport and not arrest him.But unfortunately for Assange, the British police earlier said they'd still nab him no matter what the ruling was.And truth be told, the UN panel has no real power over British or Swedish law.